Copyright © Practical Fishkeeping
Just started
keeping fish? Fancy breeding some? Aquariums And Fishes introduces you to some tropical’s
which take zero encouragement to get frisky!
just set up for tropical fish and your tank is either cycling or just cycled.
First fish would have typically been half a dozen Zebra danios, all doing well,
and soon your shop will allow you to stock a few of the species you really took
up the hobby to keep - the colorful ones.
on your list will be guppies, Siamese fighters, angels and Neon tetras. Why
they aren't a good idea to keep together is the subject of another article, but
if you do get your hands on some guppies, platies, mollies, Swordtails or
Endler's, you will more than likely start to breed them.
and their relatives are known as livebearers or, more scientifically,
ovoviviparous, meaning that the female fish is inseminated internally - like
mammals - with the eggs developing and hatching internally. She then gives
birth to live young, which fend for them as soon as they are born.
is a survival strategy as, being small fish, livebearers are low down in the
food chain and heavily predated in the wild.
popping out live young, parents don't need to expend time and energy protecting
eggs and the sooner the fry become sexually mature, the sooner they can
procreate to ensure the species survives if the parents get eaten.
that the guppy is one of the most prolific fish on the planet and has earned
the name of 'millions fish‚' it's a survival tactic that definitely works.
How to sex
There are several ways to
determine male from female, but these are the three most straightforward
Check the fins
organ the male livebearer uses to inseminate the female is called the
gonopodium. It's a modified anal fin and quite visible under the belly, looking
likes a spiky fin instead of the average triangular-shaped anal fin of the
averages about 10mm/0.4" and the males can move it around, especially when
females are close.
livebearers may also sport some attractant in the form of bright colors or
modified tail or dorsal fins, which they use to display to females and coax
them near enough to be inseminated.
Swordtails, for example, only the male has the elongated swordtail, while a
female's looks more like those of a platy. With Sailfin mollies the larger
dorsal fin is the giveaway.
Compare size
females have to carry a belly full of large fry, they grow larger than males of
the species. When full of fry, female bellies will also become much distended.
on the other hand, go for the "live fast die young" approach to life,
as those fin extensions and bright colors make them more visible to predators
in the wild.
mission entails mating before they get eaten - so being small works just fine.
The gravid
is the name of the black mark visible on the bellies of pregnant females. It's
most visible on olive-colored, wild-type fish, though it may even show on
bright red or orange ones too.
females have the gravid spot and it becomes most visible late in the pregnancy
when large with growing eggs and fry.
Selecting parent
buying your platies from a tank of both male and females it's highly likely
that the females will already be pregnant. If they aren't, and you'll know over
the next month of ownership, you are in a good position.
See stage one. If they do
become more rounded within days or weeks of owning them and show signs such as
the gravid spot, see stage two.
Stage one:
Controlled breeding
virgin females is the best way to breed your livebearers, as this means you can
determine which males they breed with. Tanks of males and females of the same color
variety are highly likely to be related and inbreeding is to be discouraged as
it brings on genetic weaknesses such as deformities and disease.
you want to line breed a variety for its bright red color, for example, it's
best to buy males and females from unrelated batches.
if you want to create your own variety, females of one color could be mixed
with males of another. This will also ensure unrelated parents are used.
have full control you could even consider keeping males and females in separate
tanks, with a third one used for mating one specific male to one specific
female and for raising fry later on. Note that females can store sperm after
mating, so if you mate her once she could produce three batches of fry from the
same original mating.
Stage two:
Happy accidents
is often the most likely scenario - your female fish showing signs of already
being pregnant just after you buy them. You then have to make a choice. You can
leave them to get on with it, give birth and the fry may survive predation
without help from you, or you can intervene using a number of methods and
for it if you want to leave them to do their thing, but if, like most people,
you find the idea of newborns being chased and eaten by other larger fish
disturbing, you'll need to protect those fry, either with a breeding trap or
separate breeding tank. See next page on preparations.
and take these steps to ensure you are well set up for those happy events:
Breeding traps
are plastic boxes, usually transparent, that go inside the main tank. They
either float or clip onto the rim and may come with or without a plastic lid.
design is quite clever as you place the pregnant female alone inside the trap
and, when she gives birth, the live young swim through a slotted divider. This
prevents her eating them.
is then returned to the main tank, the divider is removed and the fry are then
kept separate from the adult fish in the main tank.
traps have tiny slots in the sides, allowing water movement inside but offering
no escape for the fry.
traps can be subdivided, allowing two or more females to give birth at the same
time, and some modern designs may even include an air stone for greater water
can be raised exclusively in breeding traps, though, being small, they may not
grow as quickly as in a larger, separate aquarium.
in all, traps are cheap and readily available.
Breeding nets
are larger than traps and can make a good transition for raising fry after they
have outgrown a trap - and if you don't have a spare tank. As the name
confirms, they are simple plastic frames covered in netting, allowing water
movement but keeping in the fry.
could also be used in emergencies to hold bullied fish and these too are very
Separate tanks (picture by Ude, Creative
best option is a separate tank, though it's also the most expensive. As with
the main tank, you'll need to include a filter and heater, and the tank will
need to be matured and kept running, ready for your fish.
are better than traps and nets because they are larger, and some people feel
that holding female livebearers in traps can be stressful - or simply too small
in the case of large, female mollies.
the wild females will instinctively look for a quiet area in which to give
birth, among plants or roots, so in a separate tank you can add lots of
feathery-leaved plants. When ready she will give birth in them.
plants also give fry cover and the female can then be rested via a divider or
returned immediately to the main tank.
the British fish club scene you can even buy special tanks for breeding
livebearers featuring a V-shaped glass divider. At the end of the V is a slot,
allowing only the fry through. This again is better for large females who won't
be able to fit into traps.
filtering any fry tank use an air-powered sponge filter, as this gentle
filtration won‚ Äôt suck up or damage any tiny fish.
Correct diet (picture by Ude, creative
the fry are born they will be immediately ready to eat and the more you feed
them the better they will grow - water quality permitting. Even fry of Endler's
livebearers, some of the smallest, could take powdered flake straight away.
However, there are special fry foods of the right size for tiny mouths and
nutritionally engineered to encourage maximum growth potential.
foods include Interpet's Liquifry numbers 1, 2 and 3. Number one is a liquid food
for the fry of egglayers and two is a liquid food for the larger fry of
livebearers. Three is a powdered food and can be fed straight away or when the
fry are larger.
manufacturers produce powdered fry foods, so choose a reputable brand, like some
of those illustrated here, and feed them until the fry are large enough to take
adult foods.
could also use nature's fry foods - Daphnia, known as water fleas, and Artemia,
known as brineshrimp.
can be cultured outside in water butts in summertime, the baby Daphnia being
fed to fry and Artemia can be cultured in kits indoors. Baby brineshrimp is one
of the best-known fry foods for nearly all fish, so feed a diet that has
liquid, powdered and live foods.
three times a day if you can, change water as often as daily if you can, and
remove any uneaten food to avoid pollution. Spread fry out in as large a tank
as possible for maximum growth potential.
Rehoming plan
do you do once you have these fry? If you are line breeding save a few of the
best and breed them. If you end up with hundreds of unwanted fry over the space
of a year you will probably need to rehome them.
these as large as you can, as if you give away small fry they are likely to be
eaten in any tank into which they are introduced.
your local shop if they will take some, though don't expect anything in
exchange as they will be offered fry weekly by customers and may already be
Cashing in?
bought your fish for say £2 each and have now bred say 200 of them. That
doesn't mean you will be able to sell them for £400!
reason is that the hobby is saturated with young and adult livebearers, meaning
it is a buyer's market and most potential buyers will be doing you a favor by
taking them off your hands.
addition, if you didn't line breed and select for strength, size and color your
fry may not be as good as their parents.
also a thriving livebearer industry in tropical parts of the world, so many
hundreds of varieties are constantly on offer to our shops - and they are
usually available at knockdown prices.
you could offer a few hundred well colored, identically patterned and similarly
sized fish for a just few pence each, and on demand, your shop may listen and
agree to a deal.
if your fish are a mish- mash of size and pattern and sporadically available,
don't hold your breath...
How many fry
should you get and how often?
livebearers start to spawn, it helps to have an idea of just how often you'll
be hearing the patter of tiny fins.
for most species, you can expect young at monthly intervals, although the size
and fecundity of the female can play a role in frequency, with larger mothers
holding on to their fry for long periods of time, and producing bigger fish at
much higher volumes than their younger siblings.
most commonly bred livebearer, the Platy, can release young every thirty days,
and at full potential can produce up to 90 young per brood.
equates to 1080 fry per female per year - explaining how some keepers can be
over-run with them.
bountiful are guppies, which generally produce up to 50 young per sitting, and
have been known to produce as few as two - although it is almost exclusively
very young females that have such tiny births.
these colorful fish, you can expect these offspring at 28 day intervals.
tend to have longer cycles, and although they can produce monthly, they have
been known to extend to 40 day cycles between broods. Again, parent size plays
a big role in numbers produced, but 20 for a young fish and 80 fry for an
established, mature female are commonplace.
are the fry farms of the livebearer family, producing between 15 and 160 fry
per spawning. Unlike their smaller relatives, some mollies aren't even sexually
mature until they reach 6.5cm, which is as large as some of the other
livebearers reach in total.
also have the longest cycles of all, taking up to 48 days to produce young in
some cases, often dependent on temperature. But in optimal conditions,
producing 160 young every 28 days; that means a successful molly breeder could
be looking at a potential 2080 fry per female, per year!
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