Saturday, June 15, 2013

How to Care for Guppies?

Guppies-who doesn't love them? Guppies are one of the most colorful tropical freshwater fish in the world. They are small, and relatively easy and inexpensive to take care of.
1.Obtain a 10 gallon or larger fish tank with an under gravel filter.
2.Obtain a quarantine tank. It should be at least 5 gallons, but it's better to have 10 gallons of water or more. If a guppy comes down with something, you can move it to this tank for treatment. Or you can use it for breeding.
3.Fill your tank and quarantine tank with water. Dechlorinate or allow the water to sit for a week to evaporate the chlorine out of the water before placing fish in the tank(s).
4.Change 25% of your water every week, siphoning the debris from the bottom of the tank.
5.Treat any water you will add to the tank with a water conditioner before adding.
6.Keep the temperature of your tanks between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
7.Keep the lights on for 8 to 12 hours a day. Consider getting a timer for your light.
8.When adding fish to your aquarium, float the unopened bags on the surface of the water in your tank for about 15 minutes. Do not put water from the bags into the aquarium. Net the fish and quickly put the net in the water. Wait for the fish to swim out of the net and repeat the process with the next fish.
-->Note: Don't overcrowd your guppies, around 1 adult per 1 gallon of water is acceptable
-->Raise fry in separate tanks or in the main tank with a divider. If you keep the parents and the fry together the parents will eat the fry.
9.Feed flake food, but enhance diet with treats of frozen, live, or freeze-dried foods such bloodworms, tubifex and brine shrimp at least once a week.

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